aeris444 (aeris444) wrote in camelot_drabble,

Finally where I was meant to be

Author: aeris444
Title:Finally where I was meant to be
Summary:An exchanged smile was all it took for Gwaine to know he wouldn’t leave Camelot.
Word Count:100
Prompt:269. Belonging
Author's Notes:Not betaed. For once, I wanted to write a real 100 words drabble!

An exchanged smile was all it took for Gwaine to know he wouldn’t leave Camelot.

The way Merlin looked at him, the warmth of his smile. It made Gwaine feel at home like he had never in the past twenty years.

After leaving his family, Gwaine had wandered from town to town. Never had he found a reason to stay more than a few weeks.

In Camelot it was different. In Camelot there was Merlin. Merlin who needed Gwaine. Merlin who made him feel like he belonged here, in this town, in this castle, in this room, in these arms.

Tags: *c:aeris444, c:gwaine, c:merlin, p:gwaine/merlin, pt 269:belonging, rating:g, type:drabble

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