Good Morning!!
Welcome to November, our theme of the month is THANKFUL! All creations should use the prompt provided and incorporate the theme of "thankfulness" in some way.
Today's prompt is Campfire.
The Rules:
1.] All drabbles/drawbles must follow the prompt. All drabbles must be between 100 to 1000 words.
2.] All pairings, rating, or genre, are allowed. Everything will be accepted, as long as it contains the prompt in some form.
3.] All drabbles/drawbles should be posted by Tuesday, November 7th by 8 PM Eastern/Standard Time. This allows you four days to complete your drabble or drawble.
4.] When posting your drabbles/drawbles please use the correct posting format, which can be found here.
To sign up just comment on this post. Once you leave a comment you are automatically signed up for the prompt. Names will be added to the list throughout the day.
Sign-ups will end tomorrow Saturday, November 4, at 10 AM Eastern/Standard Time.
REMEMBER: You must sign up to be able to submit! There's also no limit to how many drabbles/drawbles you can post. Posting should begin at 10:01 am on Saturday until 8 pm on Tuesday.
Enjoy, and get creative!
