cd_mods (cd_mods) wrote in camelot_drabble,

Prompt # 341 Masterlist!

Prompt # 341: Master List

Another successful prompt! We are so happy and excited. Please check these wonderful drawbles and drabbles that were created for this week's prompt. And don't forget to leave them your love, they all deserve it!

Drabbles can now be posted anywhere you want. Also, our A03 mod is now accepting submissions to our AO3 subcollection for this prompt. If you have any questions about submitting, please let aeris444 know.


Good Morning by stay_magical (Merlin/Arthur; PG) - WARNING: amateur art


The power of beans by bunnysworld (Arthur/Merlin; PG-13)

Coffee, Tea, or Butterflies? by shadowspun (Gwen, Merlin; G)

What is that smell? by archaeologist_d (Merlin/Arthur; PG)

Spilled coffee by aeris444 (Merlin/Percival; G)

Coffee Date by ajsrandom (Merlin/Morgana; G)

Mister Emrys by starkidpatronus (Merlin/Arthur; G)

The Future Is Now (Chapter 31) by sidhe_faerie (Arthur/Gwen, Merlin/Morgana, Balinor/Hunith; PG)

Hints of Vanilla by tygermine (Morgana/Gwaine; G)

promises to keep by schweet_heart (Merlin/Arthur; PG-13)
Tags: !masterlists, !modpost, pt 341:coffee

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