Title: Not Easy, but Worth It
Rating: G
Pairing/s: Balinor/Hunith
Character/s: Hunith, Balinor, Merlin
Summary: Hunith's life is not what she planned.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 369 "I just want a nice, easy life. What's wrong with that?"
Author's Notes: none
She truly thought she was going to have an easy, conventional life. She hoped to marry someone from her village, get a plot of land to farm, and raise six or seven children.
It was what her mother had done, and her mother’s mother before her.
But instead she met Balinor, a man of magic and danger, and nothing was easy or conventional after that.
No marriage, no plot of land, no houseful of children. No one to help her raise her child.
But she had Merlin, and he was special, and magical and dangerous.
That was all that mattered.