Title: Dessert
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Merlin/Morgana
Character/s: Merlin, Morgana
Summary: After a nice night out, Morgana wants some action.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 188
Prompt: 372- Bingo- Dirty Talk
Author's Notes: :)
It had been the perfect night. Arthur and Gwen were watching Ellie all night so Merlin and Morgana could enjoy a night alone. They’d gone to dinner at their favorite sushi place then just strolled down the street, ducking into interesting shops now and then. Now they were home, watching a movie, which Morgana wasn’t paying much attention to. She was only thinking of dessert, and not the kind you kept in your refrigerator.
She leaned close to Merlin’s ear and whispered a little naughty something in his ear. He went rigid with surprise then said, “Really?”
Morgana nodded that yes, really. Then he said, “If you do that, I’ll have to . . .” and he whispered his own naughty suggestion back.
“Ooh, I like,” Morgana replied, scooting a little closer to him and putting her hand on his thigh. “Then we can . . .” as she whispered another suggestion back to him.
“Why are we even watching this movie?” Merlin said, turning off the player and the television.
“I have no idea,” Morgana said. That was the last thing either of them said that night.