Title: His Worst Fear
Rating: G
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Characters: Merlin, Arthur
Summary: Not all dreams of Arthur's return are happy
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 387 Walking Away
His Worst Fear
Merlin frequently dreams of Arthur's return.
For the most part, those are happy and hopeful imaginings.
But on occasion, they are nightmares.
On those difficult nights, he envisions Arthur, in silver maille and red cloak, emerging from the lake. Tall and proud, Excalibur in hand, the Once and Future King walks onto dry land at long last— but on the far side of the lake. Merlin can only watch, helpless, as his longed-for love glances in his direction across the wide expanse of water.
Arthur gestures in brief farewell before walking away, disappearing forever among the distant hills and forests.