Title: Fun Times
Rating: G
Pairing/s: Merlin/Morgana
Character/s: Merlin, Morgana
Summary: Merlin takes Morgana to a carnival for the first time.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 306
Prompt: fair/carnival
Author's Notes: :)
Morgana tugged on Merlin’s arm to get him to move. He wasn’t moving fast enough and they were at a local carnival for the first time. Well, her first time. He’d already spent a fortune to win her a stuffed unicorn at a game booth and had declared no more games. So now she wanted to check out the rides.
“What’s the hurry?” he asked her.
“I want to see it all,” she replied, “and now I want to see and ride on the rides, whatever they have,”
“Okay. Let’s go see what they have.”
He let her pull him toward the bright lights. The first ride she saw had spinning teacups. Merlin feared for his stomach, but everything stayed down. The next ride they went on was the Ferris wheel, which Morgana loved. “It’s nothing like the Eye, but it’s so much more charming!” she said.
After they went on a few more rides, Morgana declared she was hungry. Merlin braced himself for the cost of the food, but it turned out to not be as bad as he thought. She wanted to try most everything, so they came away with hot dogs, candy floss, and candy apples.
Morgana loved it all, but started feeling sick, so they got some water and just walked around for a while. When Morgana started yawning, Merlin knew it was time to go home.
In the car, he asked her, “Did you have a good time, love?”
“I had a very good time. Everything was so fun and cheery. Thank you for taking me.”
“You’re very welcome.”
“Can we go to another carnival next weekend?”
Merlin chuckled. “If you really want to, I’ll find one for you.”
And that was the last thing Morgana said before she fell asleep. Merlin chuckled quietly and pointed the car toward home.