Title: An Ode to AU
Rating: G
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur ... sort of
Summary: The Variety of Arthur/Merlin Fanfics: A Poetic Summary
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 450 Gamer
Author's Notes: What can I say? I know nothing about gaming.
An Ode to AU
Here follows the usual disclaimer:
when a fan borrows 'Merlin', don't blame her!
We love the two of them in the show's world,
yet it's thrilling to see the pair twirled
into different settings and alternate lives,
to ponder and plot and determine what drives
their tale on, if and when
they are written (again)
as annoying each other
at first; this is fodder
for slow-burn and UST
since it's clear that they must
in the end fall in love,
they can't help it now.
Whether lion-tamers,
or painting-framers,
or FIFA-gamers,
to name a few -
it's up to you!