Title: The reason
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Arthur/Merlin
Summary: Arthur thinks he knows the reason why he keeps coming back
Warnings: none
Word Count: 200
Prompt: Snow
Author's Notes: Thanks to
Albion didn’t need him anymore, that much was clear by now. A couple of times he’d tried to take over again, tried to be the king they had told him he’d be. But it had never worked out. Some of the kings were good, some bad, but they didn’t need him to rule Albion. So he’d watched his realm change and tried to find out why he came back, why he was born again and again.
As much as everything around him changed, once thing remained the same. Merlin.
He found him every time and they started to live a life – or in his case lives – away from politics and duty.
When he got up and found Merlin standing at the patio door, looking out to the gardens. He went over and wrapped his arms around Merlin’s waist.
“It snowed last night.”
That must be it. The smile on Merlin’s face, the way his eyes shined, the way he leaned back into him. The little things he loved about Merlin. That must have been the reason why he was allowed to come back over and over again.
Arthur nuzzled into Merlin’s neck and kissed the warm skin. “I love you.”