Title: Gwaine Has An Over Active Imagination
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: Arthur/Merlin
Character/s: Arthur, Gwaine, Merlin
Summary: See title
Warnings: Gwaine drinks too much
Word Count: 534
Prompt: #57 Dance
Author's Notes: See title.
Gwaine Has An Over Active Imagination
“Vital information, my arse,” Gwaine mumbled looking down at the sheet of boring household inventory numbers. “Leon’s just pissy because I’m hungover.”
Gwaine really should be sorrier that he could barely hold a sword let alone practice effectively, but his head felt filled with broken glass and he was sure to be yelled at for looking like the back end of a horse rather than a Knight of Camelot who should always be impeccable about his grooming, and his livery and his blah blah blah. Whatever.
Poised to knock on Arthur’s chamber door, Gwaine heard voices within. “Of course you’d be absolutely rubbish at this just like you are with everything,” Arthur was saying peevishly. He could picture the gleeful, boyish look on his King’s face.
“Well, if you weren’t mauling me and were holding me properly I might be able to concentrate and we could get a proper rhythm going.” Merlin’s snappish retort was followed by a, wait, Gwaine wondered, was that a groan? He stopped dead, task forgotten.
“Now, one more time, move with me, Merlin, stop fighting it.” There was a faint sound of rustling fabric. Ooh, interesting, Gwaine thought., licking his lips in anticipation, unconsciously moving closer.
“Yes, okay, come here, put your hand on my waist. Lower. Right. That’s it,” Arthur said, tone softer now. Gwaine could almost feel the whisper of that hand moving into position, ghosting over Arthur’s hip.
“Is this okay? Am I doing it right?” Merlin sounded lighter, more eager. Of course he’s eager, little imp. Who wouldn’t be? Gwaine raised his hand to the door, pressing gently, waiting.
“Nice,” said Arthur, “Now come a bit closer. Yes, that’s it, move your hips a bit.” Gwaine closed his eyes, imagining the scene unfolding, Merlin’s lithe hips undulating under Arthur’s strong hands. Arthur’s face, sweaty and reverent as Merlin moved. Merlin’s cool hands mapping the muscles of Arthur’s shoulders and back, Arthur pushing, pushing, pushing…
Gwaine mentally pulled himself up short, stepping away from the door. He took a breath. Then another and coughed self consciously before bringing up his fist to give the door a loud rap.
“Enter,” came the immediate command and Gwaine did.
Arthur and Merlin were standing a few inches apart, looking a bit shifty but entirely too dressed for the shenanigans Gwaine had hoped were occurring.
Merlin’s ears were bright red as Gwaine completed his task and Arthur, true to form, berated him, for, well, being himself after a spectacular Tuesday night at The Rising Sun. You’d think His High and Mightiness would be used to it by now. Merlin mouthed mockingly along with Arthur’s well worn speech, giving Gwaine a small smile when it finally wound down to a “You are dismissed.” With a barely there bow, Gwaine took his leave, determined to take a nap before rejoining the rest of the Knights in the courtyard.
“Do you think he knows?” He heard Merlin whisper as the door was closing. “Of course, not, Merlin, don’t be ridiculous,” Arthur answered. “Now get back in position. I won’t have you careening about the dance floor like a drunken top, Gwen had bruises on her feet for weeks last time.” Gwaine ambled away, leaving his King and his Merlin to their lessons. It was just a matter of time before their dance changed tunes. Just a matter of time.