Title: Lies Are So Much Simpler Than The Truth
Rating: G
Pairing/s: None
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur
Summary: Arthur is beginning to feel his promise to Merlin is impossible.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 553
Prompt: Impossible
Author's Notes: Following Necessary Lies, Positive Truths and Hiding Your Truths, Wearing Your Lies
Arthur was finding out that keeping Merlin’s magic a secret was nearly impossible. Of course it didn’t help when his man servant-slash-secret sorcerer would break rule number one; no doing magic. Even if, as Merlin pointed out, they were reasonable justifications. Saving children from being trampled by horses, and protecting the blacksmith from accidental maiming aside, it was difficult to prove that magic could be harmless, when his dungeon held another sorcerer, who was caught in an assignation attempt.
Was it impossible to ask that magic users will give him time to work out the magic situation in Camelot, before trying to kill him? Trying to sway the people’s opinion on magic took time. Sure he could just order the acceptance of magic in Camelot’s boarders again, but he didn’t want any fallout from anyone with a political agenda, when Merlin’s powers were made public. Because Merlin living forever in hypocrisy was impossible and Arthur would never ask that of him.
Arthur paced the length of his chambers, trying to think. This was far harder then he hoped it would be. Arthur was doing everything he could think of to peacefully pave the way for magic. He was acquiescently researching magics that would be helpful to Camelot, like healing and harvest. Letting Druid tribes pass without hunting them down. Even having open discussions about magic use in other kingdoms. However, all was overshadowed every time someone with a magical spark decided to try and kill him.
Tomorrow, he had to see judgment fulfilled on a person that used a potion to try to bring down the crown. Every person who was still following his father’s steadfast belief on magic will use this as an example of why his father was right, and that Arthur was still a boy trying to play king. And, he couldn't let the man free, because that will show weakness in the eyes of a whole different set of enemies.
“I hope you’re not mad at me for breaking the wine jug Arthur. I did try to make it look like the apple was thrown by one of the knights.” Merlin had entered the room with the morning’s breakfast, which Arthur was grateful for since last night dinner was cut short.
“Not at you, even though I should, with you doing magic for all of Camelot’s court to see, if just one person would have glanced in your direction.”
“One of the perks of being a servant, Sire, no one really looks at us.” Merlin place the food around the Arthur’s preferred chair, “I have been using magic around you since the first time we met, and you never noticed.”
“I knew it was impossible for me to be so sloppy that day! You used magic against me Merlin. I should make you polish all my boots, and the knights also.”
“But you won’t because you’re not that prattish bully anymore.” Merlin sat down the chair next to Arthur’s, reaching out to squeeze his arm, “We’ll figure it out Arthur, somehow it always works out.”
“Thank you Merlin, for being a true friend and saving my life again. Also for having faith that I will one day make it so you can walk in Camelot without fear of who you are.”
“Arthur, it’s impossible not to believe in you.”