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Face to face (Momo part 6)

Author: amarie_authiel
Title: Face to face - Momo part 6
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: None.
Character/s: Arthur, Merlin, mentioned: Mordred, Morgana.
Summary: Confrontation time. Arthur wanted to learn more about Merlin from experience. It’s a steep learning curve.
Warnings: Tiny bit of swearing. Anger and accusations.
Word Count: 1000 (eeep!)
Prompt: #80 tmos Wrath.
Author's Notes: Part 6. Follows ‘The Hunter’, with Arthur and Merlin. Oh, how glad I was to see this promt!

Part 1: Momo
Part 2: Observation
Part 3: Revelation
Part 4: The Hunter
Part 5: The Thief

Merlin's whole being shows that a I was just in the neighborhood would not be well received.

- Ok, how did you see me? Arthur demands. Chin up and hands on his hips because attack is the best defense when you're caught stalking. Probably.

Merlin's face briefly twists into a half snarl, suddenly looking far less boring than Arthur though.

- How? I know everybody on that bus, you idiot. Morgana has vanished, you are here to take Mordred and I am not supposed to notice some creepy stranger getting of the bus and hanging outside his school? What is the meaning of this? Is this you trying to be intimidating?

He was as animated when angry as he was when chatting with Mordred, only more edgy. Arthur was used to tuning in to the miniscule - if any - emotional reactions to the people of his stiff upper lip circles. Ad botox into the mix and you had your job cut out for you. The contrast would be amusing if the man wasn't so damned irritating and IGNORANT.

- I assure you, if I was trying to be intimidating then you would know about it.

He put his sunglasses in his jacket pocket while talking, ignoring Merlin’s raised -and highly unimpressed- eyebrow. Arthur was not afraid of confrontation. It was basically his job.

- For your information, I am not here to 'take' Mordred. I am bringing him home! The boy needs a stable life, with good role models…

His speech was interrupted by Merlin.

- He HAS a stable life! He has me! He has school, a home, friends and a mother. What kind of role model are you? It took hours to convince him that you weren't going to break in during the night and take him away. Not to mention reassuring him that school was safe! And then I find you are bloody stalking us! What if he had seen you? I am trying to shield him from this shit storm while you do your best to destroy him! What the hell is wrong with you?

- He wouldn't be scared if you hadn't told him lies about me!

- I would never do that. How dare you suggest that I would stoop down to your level! He is a bright kid, he knows what is going on and he knows who you are. His fear of you is your own doing. You disgust me.

- He's a Pendragon, he doesn't belong here!

Merlin eyes narrowed, his voice low and chilled.
- He is a Gorlois. Your father failed with Morgana and now he thinks he can start over with Mordred. I know your type. Daddy's little errands boy. With your fancy lawyers and over-priced suits. Believing you have some sort of God given right to destroy other people's lives simply because you can. She ran away from you, she stayed away from you, but she has always come back to us. She is not here to fight for him. But I am.

- You are as misinformed as you are obnoxious. He'd be MY son, not his.

- Oh, great difference there!
Merlin snorts, throws his hands in the air and starts walking. Arthur nearly splutters and follows. Nobody simply walks away when talking to him. It's practically unheard of!

- Get back! We’re not done!

Merlin stops cold. Arthur nearly crashes into him and takes a step back to remain in distance from his arms, possibly also to avoid punching the man. Arthur had to give Merlin credit for one thing though. He was furious, intense and in your face, but he was not loud. Nevertheless, Arthur was grateful that there were few people passing by. Perhaps Merlin had chosen this corner to stop at for that reason.

- The result will be the same, Merlin hisses. He will never see his mother again and he will always know that you are to blame. And he will know that you knew exactly what you were doing. She left him in my care, and that's where he will stay.

- Don't be absurd, Merlin. Of course she could come see him.

Merlin laughed incredulously, it was like a slap in the face.
- 11 years. And you think she will just show up and pop in for a cup of tea?

He doesn't know what it is with this place, and this man and this whole situation. But Arthur’s game face slips, causing Merlin to stop and look at him. Eyebrows frowned in curiosity.
- You do think that.

Arthur shoots his chin up again.
- Yes. I do. For 11 years, four months and till the day I die.

- Right. And stealing her son would make that happen a lot quicker, I imagine.

- He’s not a lure! He’s family! If you are so fantastic, why haven't you adopted the kid years ago?

Pain flashed over the man's face. A petty score, but he had brought it upon himself.
- There's a difference between making sure your child is taken care of for the time being, and to give up custody. She knows he is safe with me. For 6 years he has been safe with me. She comes and goes, but I have been there. I have raised him, I have made Christmas dinners and school lunches. If something happens at school they call me. You two were never an option.

Be careful what you wish for, as the saying goes. He wanted to know more, and here it was staring him in the face. The man did not seem to be an opportunist, neither was he some random, harmless guy wrapped around Morgana’s finger. She had left her son with a Pitbull. No, a Doberman. Lean, strong and unafraid. He may never have understood Morgana. But he understood the attraction now. This was what she had had wanted to see in her brother, and this was the reason she never came back.

Part 7
Tags: *c:amarie_authiel, c:arthur, c:merlin, c:mordred, c:morgana, pt 080:tmos-wrath, rating:pg-13, type:drabble

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