Title: Promises To Keep
Rating: G
Pairing/s: Arthur/Merlin
Character/s: Arthur, Merlin
Warnings: None
Word Count: 200
Prompt: pt 83, Commitment
Author's Notes: Arthur takes stock.
Date night was a promise that Arthur made and broke weekly. Late nights at the office meant chickens were roasted then packed up, one portion eaten, one plate rinsed and put in the dishwasher.
Merlin finally gave up, started watching shows they’d shared instead of letting them pile up on the DVR. They were living together but only saw each other over morning coffee. Conversation devolved to dry cleaning and work schedules. All their kisses became rushed goodbyes.
It was after one when Arthur stood in their bedroom doorway watching Merlin sleep. He came to a decision.
“No, father, I can’t come back to the office. I have a prior commitment.” Arthur had been looking forward to said commitment all day and there was no way he was turning around now. “I’ll be in early and look the report over then.” After several more minutes pushing, Uther grudgingly gave in.
Arthur opened the door to the flat and was greeted with the sounds of Merlin puttering about in the kitchen, singing along with the stereo.
“Hey, love, I’m home,” Arthur called, stowing his briefcase and shrugging out of his jacket before giving his commitment a proper hello.