Another successful prompt! We are so happy and excited. Please check these wonderful drabbles that were created for this week’s prompt. And don’t forget to leave them your love, they all deserve it!
Drabbles can now be posted anywhere you want. Also, our A03 mod is now accepting submissions to our AO3 subcollection for this prompt. If you have any questions about submitting, please let fuckyeah know.
♔Say Something Say Goodbye by sidhe_faerie (Arthur/Gwen, Merlin/Morgana; PG) - WARNING: character death
♔I’m Never Giving Up On You by emrys_mk (Arthur/Merlin; PG-13) - WARNING: Angst. Takes place near the end of 5X13. I cried writing this.
♔Agents of Magic by bunnysworld (Merlin/Arthur; PG)
♔Over my head by amarie_authiel (Arthur, Merlin; G) - WARNING: Some swearing, bit of angst