Bunny (bunnysworld) wrote in camelot_drabble,

Your place

Author: bunnysworld
Title:Your place
Pairing(s):Merlin/handsome stranger, past Merlin/Gwaine
Summary:Merlin gets over Gwaine with the help of a stranger
Word Count:233
Author's Notes:No notes for this one. It just jumped at me and needed to be written 

Your place

Merlin chucked back another one of those shots and enjoyed how the liquid burned its way down his throat and warmed him from inside. Okay, he was probably already warm enough, but hey, where was the fun in not continuing to drink when everyone else did?

And he had every reason to get plastered, too, now that Gwaine was all over Leon, including the smoldering, the winks and the hair-flipping. Yeah, they had broken up a few weeks ago, but that was only a few fucking weeks ago! No need to make such a show here tonight, right?

When he reached for the next glass, a hand on his forearm gently held him back. “You’ve had enough, don’t you think?”

Merlin blinked at the hand and then followed it up the arm to finally look in the face of a handsome stranger. All blond and blue eyes, nothing like Gwaine at all. Gwaine? Who was Gwaine again?

“Why would you care?” It didn’t come out as sharp as intended, a goofy grin on Merlin’s face was in the way.

The stranger leaned in and whispered. “I want you to get high on me tonight.”

One last look at Gwaine, who had his hands under Leon’s shirt now and rubbed shamelessly against him, and Merlin didn’t think about it twice. He got up, wrapped an arm around the stranger’s waist and decided: “Your place.”
Tags: *c:bunnysworld, c:gwaine, c:merlin, pt 008:burn, rating:pg-13, type:drabble

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