merlinsdeheune (merlinsdeheune) wrote in camelot_drabble,

Valentine's Day Cards

Artist: merlinsdeheune
Title: Valentine's Day Cards
Character/s:Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, Morgana, Gwaine
Media:Photoshop - Digital manipulation
Warnings: None
Prompt: #198 Valentine's Day Card
Artist’s Notes: I have to thank bunnysworld for the inspiration. Though mine is nowhere near as punny.

To Merlin, sending out Valentine's cards was just as important as sending Christmas cards. He would mull over it, panic over it, make a mess out of it, but every one of his friends got a card (or something.)

(From Merlin to Arthur)

(From Merlin to Gwen)

(From Merlin to Gwaine)

(From Merlin to Morgana)

And now, for a little bit of angst... (because I'm evil)


(From Arthur to Merlin)
Tags: pt 198:valentines day card, rating:g, type:drawble

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