Another successful prompt! We are so happy and excited. Please check these wonderful drawbles and drabbles that were created for this week’s prompt. And don’t forget to leave them your love, they all deserve it!
Drabbles can now be posted anywhere you want. Also, our A03 mod is now accepting submissions to our AO3 subcollection for this prompt. If you have any questions about submitting, please let digthewriter
♔Eye Contact by digthewriter
♔A Minor Detour, Part 4 by alx_diamond (Merlin, Arthur, Gwaine; PG-13) - WARNING: Cliffhanger
♔That’s a start by bunnysworld (Merlin/Arthur; NC-17)
♔The Blinkered Prince by loopstagirl (Arthur, Merlin, Morgana; PG-13)
♔Calling Them Out by sidhe_faerie (Arthur/Gwen; PG)
♔When by weatherfeather (Merlin/Arthur; PG-13) - WARNING: References to fake character suicide from another fandom / less than tactful mention of appearance of suicide. There is NO suicide in this fic. This is actually meant to be a happy fic. It has a happy ending. However, if this topic is not for you, please AVOID.
♔Eye See You by ajsrandom (Merlin, Morgana, Arthur, Leon; PG-13)
♔The Email Order Bridegroom, Chapter 35 by brunettepet (Arthur/Merlin; R) - WARNING: Fluff
♔No More Games by eurydice72 (Merlin/Morgana; PG-13)
♔This is the Tempest We're Fighting For: Chapter 3 by little_huntress (Arthur/Merlin; PG) - WARNING: anachronisms, free adaptation of history and piracy facts, mentions of minor injuries.
♔See You by narlth (Merlin/Arthur; G)
♔What Am I So Afraid Of? by fractionallyfox (Gwaine/Leon; PG) - WARNING: Vague mention of battle injury
♔Dr. Candyman and Father Christmas part 10. by amarie_authiel (Merlin/Arthur; PG-13) - WARNING: Slight innuendo